History of IHHA Conferences and Specialist Technical Sessions (STS)

2017: 11th IHHA Conference, “Advancing Heavy Haul Technologies and Operations in a Changing World”, 2-6 September 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.

2015: STS Conference, “Operational Excellence”, 21 – 24 June 2015, Perth, Western Australia.

2013: 10th IHHA “Heavy Haul and Innovation Developments”, 22 – 25 June 2009, New Delhi, India.

2011: STS Conference, “Excellence in Heavy Haul Railroading”, 19 – 22 June 2011, Calgary, Canada.

2009: 9th International Heavy Haul Conference “Heavy Haul and Innovation Developments”, 22 – 25 June 2009, Shanghai, China.

2007: STS Conference “High Tech in Heavy Haul”, 11-13 June 2007, Kiruna, Sweden.

2005: 8th IHHA Conference “Heavy Haul: Safety, Environment, and Productivity”, 14 – 16 June 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2003: STS Conference “Enhancing System Reliability”, Ft. Worth, Texas, USA.

2001: 7th IHHA Conference “Confronting the barriers of Heavy Haul Technology”, 10 – 14 June 2001, Brisbane, Australia.

1999: STS Conference “Wheel/Rail Interface”, 14-17 June, Moscow, Russia

1997: 6th IHHA Conference “Strategies Beyond 2000”, 6 – 10 April 1997, Cape Town, South Africa

1996: STS Conference “Running Heavy-Running Fast into the 21st Century”, June 9 – 12, 1996, Montreal, Canada.

1994: Mini-Conference “Rolling Asset Management”, June 5-8, Ohama, USA.

1993: Fifth IHHA Conference “Efficiency and Safety Within the Heavy Haul Field of Operation”, June 6-11 1993 Beijing, Peoples Republic of China.

1991 Wheel/Rail Treatise, on June 5-7 1991, Vancouver, Canada.

1989: Fourth IHHA Conference “Railways In Action”, September 11-15 1989, Brisbane, Australia.

1986: Third IHHA Conference – “Profitability Through Technology and Operating Efficiency”, October 13-17 1986 Vancouver, Canada.

1982: Second IHHA Conference – “Heavy Haul Railways”, September 25 – 29 1982, Colorado Springs, USA

1978: First IHHA Conference, September 18 – 22 1978 Perth, Australia